Saturday, August 15, 2015

Reference eLibrary 17th Century

⌘ -Books
✍ -Writing/Excerpt
✉ -Letter
% -Statistics
ℒ -List
✧ -video
♪ -Audio
UnOrthodox Christianity
Big-Govt. Statism
Civil Rights
Evil itself
Evil exposed
Dubious Hypothesis/Conclusions
AandGArmstrong and Getty
The Blaze
FEDThe Federal Reserve
FNFox News
GB[TV][R]  Glenn Beck [Television] [RADIO]
STUStu Burguiere
UNUnited Nations
WWIIWorld War II
Media Malpractice
♂♀The Sexes

???Wiki: List of Christian thinkers in science 00-00-0000
=== Blogspot Links List 00-00-0000
=== Blogspot: Law and Disorder 00-00-0000
???The History And Heritage of The American Left: Karl Marx 00-00-0000
???The History And Heritage of The American Left: Marxism 00-00-0000
ℒ - Wiki✯Wiki List of US Presidents øø-øø-øøøø
???Wiki: Sexual Dimorphism øø-øø-øøøø
???The Hungry Fox And The Boastful Suitor – Iroquois Legend | Native American Encyclopedia 00-00-0000
ℒ - WikiWikipedia: List of Fallacies øø-øø-øøøø
ℒ%WikiList of countries by population øø-øø-øøøø
% - Wiki✯Demographics in the US øø-øø-øøøø
ℒ - ♣♠Democrat and Republican Party Platforms from 1840 and 1856 forward øø-øø-øøøø
⌘✉ - HThe Letters of Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826
⌘✉ - HLetters To and From Thomas Jefferson øø-øø-1820
✍ - ☤✈When Does Human Life Begin by the Association of Pro-Life Physicians
✍ - ✈☄Wikipedia: String Theory øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - o☣AIM: Benghazi øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - ✈☄Wikipedia: Heat Death of the Universe, Time Frame øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - ✈Wikipedia: Universal WaveFunction øø-øø-øøøø
ℒ - ☄✈Superseded Scientific Theories øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - ☤✈When Does Human Life Begin? øø-øø-øøøø
Wiki - ©Wikipedia: Subjective Theory of Value øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - Wikipedia: Labour Theory of Value øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - %Wikipedia: Prison Population: Demographics øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - Jewish Virtual Library: The Evolution of Tattooing in Auschwitz by George Rosenthal (Auschwitz Survivor) øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - ♟Digital History: Overview of the Pre-Civil War Era øø-øø-øøøø
✧ - ✯Animated Atlas: Growth of a Nation from 13 to 50 States øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - Answering Islam: The 'Gospel' of Barnabas by Alano Perez, øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - Just War Theory øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - The Radical Life: Are You Lying To Your Kids About Santa? by Matthew Warner øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - ✯WallBuilders: Origins of Separation of Church and State øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - ✯ The meaning of the phrase "well-regulated" in the 2nd amendment øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - ✯♠©❀ Non-Aggression Principle øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - bioDiscover the networks: Howard Zinn øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - United Church of God: Do Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:11 condemn wearing mixed fabrics? øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - ☠ Martin Luther - he admits that he was not a Hebrew scholar, and especially that he knew nothing of Hebrew grammar
✍ - ☠The Jewish Virtual library: Henry Ford's Antisemitism øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - Answering Islam: Muhammad’s atrocity against the Qurayza Jews by James M. Arlandson øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - Why Do Catholics Pray To Saints øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - Statues in Church øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - Answering Islam: Is Allah the God of the Bible? by Sam Shamoun øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - Muhammad's Five Names by Sam Shamoun and Jochen Katz øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - The Treatment of Jews in Arab/Islamic Countries By Mitchell Bard øø-øø-øøøø
✍ - Jihad Watch: Islam 101: øø-øø-øøøø
???Political Islam øø-øø-øøøø
???What is the Coase Theorem, really? øø-øø-øøøø
???Famous Pirates, Pirate Stories, Pirate Legends: Pirate's Realm øø-øø-øøøø
???The Blaze: Ebola Outbreak øø-øø-øøøø
???DESPERATE MEASURES: Jesse James and the Klan Battles of Reconstruction, N.C. Reconstruction-era Klan Connected to Jesse James, and Quantrill Missouri Guerrillas øø-øø-øøøø
✍ -INVESTIGATING ALLAH: ALLAAH - WHO IS HE, religious study on Allah, Allah Christianity and Islam 00-00-0000
✍ -Answering Muslims: Does Allah Love Unbelievers? 00-00-0000
✍ -Answering Islam: “Love” in the Quran 00-00-0000
✍ -Richard III Society: The Use of Power and Influence by a Medieval Woman by Tina Cooper, 00-00-0000 
✍ -Jefferson on The Duties of Citizens, quotes, 00-00-0000
✍ -Critiques of Libertarianism: Quotes 00-00-0000

Latin Phrases 00-00-0000 Catholic Encyclopedia, The Inquisition 00-00-0000 Get the cached page of any URL 00-00-0000

 CIA: The World Fact Book, 00-00-0000 00-00-0000

Ancient History: Damocles Sword, 00-00-0000 Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., 00-00-0000

Discover The Networks: RESULTS OF COMMUNISM / SOCIALISM 00-00-0000

DauthazBeechPhagein: Reference eLibrary Queue, 00-00-0000

GetToTheStabbing: Debunk Feminism 00-00-0000
???Merriam Webster's Dictionary 00-00-0000

DauthazBeechPhagein: The Bible: Excerpts 00-00-0000

PhraseRUs: Latin 00-00-0000

Learn Liberty: Academy on Demand 00-00-0000
✧-YOUTUBE: WallBuilders 00-00-0000

Wikipedia Rape Statistics in the United States, 00-00-0000
???Free Book Searcher, 00-00-0000

The Bible: Excerpts and Annotations 00-00-0000

Constitution: No, You Don’t Have the “Right” to do whatever you want, by Bethany Blankley 00-00-0000

The Jewish Encyclopedia 00-00-0000

JSTOR 00-00-0000

Wikipedia New World Order, 00-00-0000

English to Japanese Dictionary 00-00-0000

Percentage Calculator: 00-00-0000

WIKI: Presentism; Literary and Historical Analysis, 00-00-0000

Pepperdine PublicPolicy: Why Does the U.S. Military Have Chaplains?, by Hans Zeiger 00-00-0000

Futuristic News: Future Computers 00-00-0000

The Blaze: Voter Fraud 00-00-0000

Wikipedia: Freudo Marxism, 00-00-0000

Daily Caller: Author; Ashley Rae Goldenberg 00-00-0000

?✧♪⌘✍✉%ℒ? - ?✝✡☪♚♛♟☭卐♣✯♟♠ ♘☄©☤Ⓐ☠❀✈☣♂♀$?

Poetry And Lyrics  

The Beginning of Time!!~
✍ - ❀HThe Scythians: Military History 7th cent. BCE - 513 BCE
⌘ - Aesop’s Fables, between 620-560 BC
⌘ - The Six Books of Euclid 323–283 BC
AD 01+
⌘ - Bible Gateway: Matthew 22:36-40 - “Teacher, which is the greatest - 50 AD
⌘ - Plutarch’s Lives 46–120 AD
⌘ - The Enchiridion By Epictetus Translated by Elizabeth Carter 135 AD
⌘ - Consolation Of Philosophy : Boethius, 524 AD
✍⌘ - ♠♚Policraticus by John of Salisbury [Published 1938], 1159 AD
Chapter Fifteen. It Is Lawful to Flatter Only Him Whom It Is Lawful to Slay; the Tyrant a Public Enemy
✍⌘ - ♠♚
⌘ - The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli 1513
⌘✍ - ♚♠Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos - Defence of Liberty Against tyrants by Stephen Brutus, "God reigns by his own proper authority, and kings by derivation" 1579

QUOTES of Antiquity before 1700

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✍ - ♚✯
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✍ - ♠
⌘ - Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting One's Reason and of Seeking Truth, by Rene Descartes, 1637
⌘ - Meditations on First Philosophy "suppose that some malicious, powerful, cunning demon has done all he can to deceive me" by Rene Descartes 1639
Alt Link - WIKI
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✍ - ♚
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Project Gutenberg -
Chapter 2, Sect 4, The State of Nature: "a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons, as they think fit,"
Chapter 5, Sect. 27: "every man has a property in his own person... The labour of his body, and the work of his hands, we may say, are properly his."
Chapter 5, Sect 41: "a king of a large and fruitful territory there, feeds, lodges, and is clad worse than a day-labourer in England"
⌘ - ✈
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⌘ - ✯

Reference eLibrary 18th Century

⌘ -Books
✍ -Writing/Excerpt
✉ -Letter
% -Statistics
ℒ -List
✧ -video
♪ -Audio
UnOrthodox Christianity
Big-Govt. Statism
Civil Rights
Evil itself
Evil exposed
Dubious Hypothesis/Conclusions
AandGArmstrong and Getty
The Blaze
FEDThe Federal Reserve
FNFox News
GB[TV][R]  Glenn Beck [Television] [RADIO]
STUStu Burguiere
UNUnited Nations
WWIIWorld War II
Media Malpractice
♂♀The Sexes


Poetry And Lyrics 1700s  
Quotes of the American Revolutionary Era

⌘ - ✈The General Scholium: Some Notes on Isacc Newton's Published and Unpublished Endeavours 1713
⌘ - John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon Cato’s Letters 1724
⌘ - The Alcoran of Mohammed with explanatory notes and a preliminary discourse. By George Sale 1734
Quran Excerpts
⌘✍ - An Essay On Man by Alexander Pope "Heaven forming each on other to depend, A master, or a servant, or a friend" 1734
Project Gutenberg: The Works of Alexander Pope
⌘ - ✯THE SPIRIT OF LAWS By Charles de Montesquieu 1748
⌘ - H✯Ludlow’s Memoirs 1751
⌘ - Sir William blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England 1753
✍ - ♠Ben Franklin's Reply to Penn. Governor, Those who would give up essential Liberty, Nov 11, 1755
⌘ - ©Benjamin Franklin's The Way to Wealth "It is hard for an empty sack to stand upright" 1758
⌘ - ♠The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith 1759
⌘ - ♠ Adam Smith's Moral Sentiments, "There can be no proper motive for hurting our neighbour" 1759
⌘ -Adam Smith's Lectures on Jurisprudence, page 315-216 of 641, "a tax equal to half or third of their substance." March 24, 1762 
✉ - ✯♠Benjamin Franklin’s 3 Letters to Governor Shirley 1753-1763
⌘ - ♠Eighteen Sermons Preached by Rev George Whitefield 1763
⌘ - ✯Cesare Beccaria on crimes and punishments 1764
✍ - ♠Ben Franklin's Letter For The London Chronicle, the best way of doing good to the poor, 1766
✍ - ✯Joseph Priestley’s Essay on the First Principles of Government and on the Nature of Political Civil and Religious Liberty 1768
✍ - ♚Samuel Adams' The Rights of the Colonists, Nov 20, 1772
✍ - Jefferson's A Summary View of the Rights of British America [Precursor to the Declaration] 1774
✍ - ✯Patrick Henry's Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death 3-23-1775
✍ - ♠Benjamin Franklin's Articles of Confederation 5-10, 1775
Benjamin Franklin's Articles of Confederation, July 21, 1775
⌘ - ©Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations 1776
Book IV Chapter 2.9 - The Invisible Hand
✍ - ✯♠Samuel West, [Natural Law: The True Principles of Government] (1776)
⌘ - ✯♠Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, by Richard Price, 1776
✉ - ✯♠ John Adams' Thoughts On Government, 'politics the divine science; the science of social happiness' 1776
✍ - ♠The Church’s Flight into the Wilderness by Samuel Sherwood 1776
⌘ - ©♠<Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations 1776
The Library of Economics and Liberty
✍ - Thomas Paine's Common Sense, Feb 14, 1776
✉ - ✯♠George Washington's General Orders, Fasting and Supplication... The General commands... pious observance of their religious duties, May 15, 1776
✍ - ♠John Witherspoon, The Dominion of Providence Over the Passions of Men "American liberty... undefiled religion" May 17, 1776
✍ - George Mason's Virginia Declaration of Rights, June 12, 1776
✉ -John Adams to Zabdiel Adams, 'plan and speculate for liberty, June 21, 1776
✍ - ✯♠Samuel Adams' Address at the State House in Philadelphia, Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you, Aug 1, 1776
✍ - Thomas Paine's American Crisis, December 23, 1776
✍ - Thomas Jefferson's Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom 1777
✍ - Thomas Jefferson's Virginia Committee of Revisor's Bill No.s 82 and 84, 1777
✍ - ♠John Adams' letter to Abigail Adams, Posterity will never know the cost to preserve freedom, April 26, 1777
✍ - ✯Bill 79, A Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge by Thomas Jefferson 1779
✍ - ✯Virginia Bill No. 64, A Bill for Proportioning Crimes and Punishment in Cases HereToFore Capital, Punishment for Rape, Polygamy, or Sodomy, with man or woman1779
✍ - ✯Virginia Committee of Revisor's Bill No. 84. A Bill for Punishing Disturbers of Religious Worship and Sabbath Breakers, Presented by Madison Signed by Jefferson, June 18, 1779
✍ - Jefferson's Proclamation of Thanksgiving and Prayer for Dec 9th 1779
⌘ - Thomas Dilworth’s A New Guide to the English Tongue 1780
✍ - ♠✯John Adams to Abigail, The Science of Government is my Duty to study, May 12 1780
✍ - The Articles of Confederation Ratified March 1781
✍ - Jefferson's Notes on the State of Virginia, Query XVIII, Peculiar Culture and Slavery 1781
✍ - Robert Aitken's petition to Congress to print the Holy Scriptures for the use of schools, January 21, 1781
⌘ ✉ - John Adams' to James Warren, "Politicks are the divine Science"... "How is it possible that any Man should ever think of making it Subservient to his own little Passions" June 17, 1782
Google Books
✍ -☪ WallBuilders: The War on Terror -- Round 2 1783
✉ - ✯♠ Washington to Hamilton, Nuburgh Conspiracy, March 12 1783
✍ - A♣George Washington, Circular to the States " there is a natural and necessary progression, from the extreme of anarchy to the extreme of Tyranny", June 8, 1783
✉ - ✯♠ Washington's Nubugh Address: To The Officers of the Army, March 15, 1783
✉ -Benjamin Franklin to Robert Morris: "Money, justly due from the People, is their Creditors' Money", Dec 25, 1783 
✍ - HJefferson's Notes on the State of Virginia, Queries 14 and 19, History by apprising them of the past will enable them to judge the future, 1784
✍ - ✯♟♠WIKI: Land Ordinance of 1784
✍ - ✯♠Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, Queries 14 and 18, 1784
✍ -Memorial and Remonstrance against Religious Assessments, [First Amendment] by James Madison, 1785
✉ - ♟♠ Thomas Jefferson letter to Price, AntiSlavery Reception by Geographical Area, Aug 7, 1785
Alternate Link
✉ - ♠ Jefferson to Peter Carr, "A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun." Aug 19 1785
✉ -  Jefferson's Letter to Madison, Uncultivated Lands and Unemployed Poor Oct 28 1785
✍ - ✯♠A Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments To the General Assembly of Virginia by James Madison 1785
✍ - ✯♠Jefferson's Virginia Act For Establishing Religious Freedom, 1786
✉ - Jefferson to Jay, Barbary Pirates, March 28 1786
✉ - ✯♠ Washington's Letter to Jay, The Intervention of a Coercive Power 8-15-1786
✉ - Henry Knox's Letter to Washington, On Shay's Rebellion & Its Creed, October 23, 1786
✉ - ✯George Washington’s Letter to Henry Lee, on Shays' Rebellion, Oct 31, 1786
✍ - ♠©Ben Franklin's The Dangers of a Salaried Bureaucracy 1787
✉ - ✯♠ Jefferson's letter to Madison, Societies exist under three forms, a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, Jan 30, 1787
✉ - ✯♠ Jefferson to William Stephens Smith The tree of liberty, the blood of patriots and tyrants Nov. 13, 1787
✍ - ✯♠John Adams' The Right Constitution of a Commonwealth Examined, Thou Shall Not Covet, 1787
✍ - WIKI✯The Northwest Ordinance July 13, 1787
✍ - ♠Jefferson's Letter to William S. Smith "God forbid we should be 20 years w/o rebellion", Nov 13, 1787
✍ - Benjamin Franklin's Request for Prayer at the Constitutional Convention, July 28, 1787
✉ - ♠Jefferson's Letter To Peter Carr Aug 10, 1787
✍ - ✯♠THE CONSTITUTION of the United States of America adopted on September 17, 1787
✉ - ✯♠ Jefferson's Letter to Madison "the omission of a bill of rights", Dec 20, 1787
⌘✍ - ✯♠THE FEDERALIST Papers [from the Library of Congress] 1788
Federalist #6: "if these States should either be wholly disunited, or only united in partial confederacies, the subdivisions into which they might be thrown would have frequent and violent contests with each other."
Federalist #10: "Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm... the causes of faction cannot be removed, and that relief is only to be sought in the means of controlling its effects."
Federalist #10: The diversity in the faculties of men, from which the rights of property originate, is not less an insuperable obstacle to a uniformity of interests.
Federalist #15: "Power controlled or abridged is almost always the rival and enemy of that power by which it is controlled or abridged."
Federalist #20: "Experience is the oracle of truth; and where its responses are unequivocal, they ought to be conclusive and sacred."
Federalist #21: "The wealth of nations depends upon an infinite variety of causes."
Federalist #22: "The [purpose of supposing] necessity of unanimity in public bodies... is to embarass the administration, to destroy the energy of the government"
Federalist #22: "The fabric of American empire ought to rest on the solid basis of THE CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE... "
Federalist #22: "Laws are a dead letter without courts to expound and define their true meaning"
Federalist #28: "If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount..."
Federalist #42: On The Commerce Clause "A very material object of this power [to regulate commerce at the Federal level] was the relief of the States"
Federalist #44:“Bills of attainder, ex-post-facto laws, and laws impairing the obligation of contracts, are contrary to the first principles of the social compact...”
Federalist #46:“The federal and State governments are in fact but different agents and trustees of the people, constituted with different powers, and designed for different purposes."
Federalist #47: "[Montesquieu] did not mean that these departments [legislative & executive] ought to have no PARTIAL AGENCY in, or no CONTROL over, the acts of each other."
Fed #47: "The acumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many... may justly by pronounced the very definition of tyranny."
Federalist #48: "the powers of government should be so divided and balanced among several bodies of magistracy, as that no one could transcend their legal limits"
Federalist #51: “If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.”
Federalist #51: “In framing a govt.which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed...”
Federalist #57: "The house of representatives … can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as the great mass of society."
Federalist #62: "It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read"
Federalist #69: "a total dissimilitude between him [the President] and a king of Great Britain,"
Federalist #84: "They [Bills of Rights] would contain various exceptions to powers not granted; and, on this very account, would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than were granted."
Federalist #72: "One ill effect of the exclusion [Term Limits] would be a diminution of the inducements to good behavior. "
Federalist #78: "the judiciary is beyond comparison the weakest of the three departments of power"
✍ - ✯Ellis Sandoz, Political Sermons of the American Founding Era. Vol. 1 (1730-1788)
✯♠Noah Webster, On Education of the Youth in America 1788
✉ -From Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, May 27. 1788
✉ - ✯Madison's Letter to Hamilton "in toto, and for ever" July 20, 1788
⌘ -Benjamin Franklin's Queries and Remarks respecting Alterations in the Constitution of Pennsylvania [Bicameralism], 1789
✉ - ✯Jefferson to Richard Price Paris, whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government, Jan 8 1789
✍ - ✯George Washington's First Inaugural Address 1789
✉ - ✯♠ Jefferson's Letter to Francis Hopkinson "the want of a bill of rights to guard liberty", "If I could not go to heaven but with a party, I would not go there at all. " Mar 13, 1789
✉ - ♠✯ Jefferson's Letter to John Taylor "an association of men who will not quarrel" June 1, 1789
✉ - ✯Dr. Benjamin Rush to John Adams; Titles & The Fair Trial of Republicanism July 21, 1789
✉ - Jefferson's Letter To Madison, The Earth Belongs To The Living, Sep 6, 1789
⌘ - HThe Life of Benjamin Franklin by Himself 1790
✍ - ✯Rev. Daniel Foster's Sermon Preached Before His Excellency John Hancock and Samuel Adams 1790
⌘ -Full Text of the Writings of Benjamin Franklin 1514 of the Paper Money of the USA, April 17, 1790
✍ - ♠George Washington's Letter to Moses Seixas, to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance August 21st, 1790
✉ - Benjamin Franklin's Letter to Ezra Stiles, Here is my Creed, March 9, 1790
✉ -  Historicus' Anti-Slavery Article by Benjamin Franklin March 23, 1790
✍ - ♠✯Benjamin Franklin's A Comparison of the Conduct of Ancient Jews and Anti-Federalists in the United States of America 1787-1790-ish
Google Books
✍ - ✯James Wilson, Of Man, as a Member of Society, Lectures on Law, "that all men are equal; we mean not to apply this..." 1791
University of Chicago
???WW Norton & Co: Hamilton Argues for the Constitutionality of the National Bank, February 15, 1791
✍ - ✯♠$©Jefferson Against a National Bank "laying of taxes is the power, & the general welfare the purpose for which the power is to be exercised. They are not to lay taxes ad libitum" 2-23, 1791
✍ - THE USA's BILL OF RIGHTS [Created September 25, 1789] Ratified Dec 15, 1791
✉ - ♠Jefferson's Letter to Archibald Stuart, Attending to too Little Liberty, Dec. 23, 1791
⌘✍✉ -  Benjamin Franklin Papers 1706-1792
✍ - ♠✯James Madison, National Gazette, Property and Land, March 29, 1792
⌘ - ✯Nathaniel Chipman’s Principles of Government 1793
✍ - ♠Reasons For Preserving the Life of Louis Capet by Thomas Paine 1793
- - -
✍ - George Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality 1793
⌘ - ✉ - ✯♠The Pacificus-Helvidius Debates of 1793–1794
✉ - ✯♠ James Madison's Helvidius IV 1793
✉ -  Ben Franklins Letter To Thomas Paine Denouncing The Age of Reason, 1794 or shortly before
⌘ - Thomas Paine's The Age of Reason, 1794
⌘ - HJohn Baxter’s A New and Impartial History of England [amazon] 1796
✍ - George Washington's Farewell Address 1796
✍ - ✈Thomas Paine's Discourse to the Society of Theophilanthropists, on "The Study of God" Jan 16, 1797
✍ - ♠✯Jefferson's Letter to Elbridge Gerry neutral & independent--an ocean of fire between us, May 13, 1797
✍ - William Wilberforce, A Practical View of the Professed Christians, Contrasted with Real Christianity 1797
✉ - ✯☠Paul Revere to Jeremy Belknap, The Betrayal of Dr. Church, 1798
✍ - Jefferson's Kentucky Draft Resolutions of 1798
✍ - Jefferson's Draft of the Kentucky Resolutions, "free government is founded in jealousy, and not in confidence... limited constitutions, to bind down" Oct 1798
✍ - Jefferson's Kentucky Resolutions adopted on November 10, 1798
✉ - HMHS Collections Online: Letter from Paul Revere to Jeremy Belknap, [Was Dr. Benjamin Church a Traitor?] 1798
⌘ -  Anti-Slavery Opinions before the Year 1800 by Buchanan and Poole